1. Why did you choose Japan?

I am pretty sure that a lot of Americans would be surprised in learning Japanese. However, my father gave me a chance to go to Japan, so I decided to go and learn Japanese.
2. What is the hard part of learning Japanese?
It is Kanji without a doubt. But if you work on it little by little each day it is not that difficult.3. What will you do after the graduation?
After I finish Musashi Urawa Japanese language Institute, I am planning to enter the University in Japan. To be honest, I still have not fully decided yet, but I am interest in it.4. Is there anything you want to say to those who will be coming here.
What I want to say is to study every day. This is very important as If you neglect it, you will be left behind. If you study everyday than is not that hard. There might be things that you won’t understand at first. But there is no need to be worried. After all, you will be surprised how much you grew. So do your best!!1. How is your Japanese teacher?

Very kind. When I can’t understand certain things, teacher will explain it to me carefully.
2. How do you study Kanji?
I write it down and memorize it every day. Doing it daily is the key to become better.3. Is there any difference between Japan and Thailand?
There are many railways in Japan while there are not that many in Thailand. Although the weather is very fluctuating, but I still enjoy living here.4. What will you do after the graduation?
I will study design in the University. I would also like to seek a design related job in Japan.1. Why did you choose Musashi Urawa Japanese language Instite?

My father searched it and recommended it to me.
2. Why have you decided to learn Japanese ?
It is Because I love Japanese. Ten out of ten.3. What is your dream?
My dream is to become a musician. I am interested in music related specialized school.1. Why have you decided to learn Japanese?

There are many Japanese company in Vietnam and that`s why I decided to learn Japanese.
2. What is the hard part in learning Japanese?
It is grammar. It is completely different from Vietnamese’s grammar, that’s why it was hard to get used to it.3. Was there anything that surprised you when you came to Japan?
I was surprised by the Japanese’s attitude towards their jobs. I think the strict attitude towards a job is a good thing.1. Why have you decided to learn Japanese?

Why have you decided to learn Japanese?
2. Why do you want to live in Japan?
I think it is probably because of Anime. After I saw Anime I started to think about the life in Japan.3. What is the hard part in learning Japanese?
Everything. (HAHA) Especially reading and Kanji, I never had to deal with it before in my daily life, so it will be difficult if you are not used to use Kanji.4. How are your Japanese classes?
In Musashi Urawa Japanese language Institute, there are students across the globe, that’s why we use a lot of Japanese in-class and it did help picking up Japanese much quicker. Teachers are kind, they would explain them in an easier way if I could not understand something.1. How are your classes?

It is interesting. Teachers and students are cheerful and classes are always fun. Since there are students from across the countries, that’s why we only speak Japanese in class.